All My Food Porn From COCHON 555 {GRAND COCHON} in Aspen


This weekend, Eater Denver sent me to the 2014 Grand Cochon in Aspen to eat 1200 lbs of pork (thanks, Eater!). They had me guest-write an article with insider details from the competition, and take a few photos. But I took SO many photos – like so many more than they could possibly ever share, so I’ve decided to give my Goutasters the bonus shots.

Without further ado, dear readers, I present to you all the extra food porn photos I took at Grand Cochon this weekend:

This is the dish that won the crown for FIG‘s chef Ray Garcia, in my humble opinion. Rich, red, deep – a chilaquiles dish that pulled from the belly, head, blood, and organs of Garcia’s Cook Pigs Ranch Berkshire pig.

Chef Jennifer Jasinski‘s now famous posole, full of heart and soul (and just the right amount of heat).

Fancy saltines for chef Ray Garcia’s pork “coctel.”

Pubbelly‘s chef Jose Mendin made pork sushi in a dish that married Japanese and Latin flavors.

Travelle‘s chef Tim Graham served these sandwiches with a pork curry rillette “candle” that melted its top layer of fat as it burned.

Chef Douglas Rodriguez’s own take on posole, featuring a blood sausage slice.

A look at Chef Richie Nakano’s ramen through the packed crowds. The ramen alone made this booth worth 2 return visits at Grand Cochon and secured Hapa Ramen as a top destination on my go-to list. A deceptively simple seeming cup of noodle soup, I loved how he incorporated the pork in this dish – it enriched the broth and drew attention to the quality of the pork Nakano was working with.

Chef Seamus Mullen made some amazing blood sausage bites with a quail egg on top. If that doesn’t get your foodie ears perking, I don’t know what will.

As if 1200 lbs of pork wasn’t enough… there were macaron ice cream sandwiches.

My favorite shot from the live butcher demo.

For another look at Grand Cochon, check out the Opening a Bottle recap.