How to Begin Your Adventure With a Vegan Diet?

While just a few years ago, many people thought that veganism was just another passing trend that was going to lose its popularity just as quickly as it gained it, it’s definitely here to stay. More and more people are eating less meat, citing rapid climate change, desire for a healthier lifestyle, and their love for all animals as the main reasons.

But going vegan might seem like a challenging task, especially if you don’t know any fellow plant-eater to walk you through it. The good news is that going vegan has actually never been as easy as it is now, as the market for plant-based food is booming, as is the entire community of fellow vegans who are at all times more than willing to help. From advice on transitioning to a vegan diet, tips on best sources of nutrients, and the steps you need to take to transition to a vegan lifestyle successfully – it’s all at your fingertips!

In the article below, we’ve gathered some of the proven tips to guide you along the way to switch to a vegan diet. Don’t wait up, read on to learn more, and make some animals happy!

Start With Simple and Easy-to-Prepare Meals

If you’re not used to vegan food, it might be good to start your vegan journey with some simple and easy-to-prepare meals. The goal at this point should be to try different flavors, textures, and ingredients and get used to them gradually. As a new vegan, you can try to cook some straightforward recipes, like oatmeal and smoothies, which will give you the right amount of energy for the day. If cooking is not your strongest asset, you might also want to try and explore some of the best vegan meal delivery options out there or look for vegan restaurants in your area.

You can also make things easy for yourself by going vegetarian first and then moving onto veganism either in one step or by gradually cutting out dairy and eggs one at a time.

Read up on Vegan Nutrition

Reading up on vegan nutrition will help you know what nutrients your body needs and in what quantities.There are many myths about veganism being just another diet that lacks nutrients, but nothing could be further from the truth. With the right diet, it’s actually quite easy to get most of the nutrients and vitamins you need and safely supplement the rest.

The most important ones are proteins, omega-3 fatty acids (essential fatty acids), vitamin B12, and iron. You need to find ways to get the proper amounts of these nutrients into your body. Whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes are excellent protein sources, while dried fruits and green leafy vegetables are rich in iron. Vitamin B12 is usually found in animal products, so many vegans choose to supplement it. Depending on where you live, you might also want to consider supplementing vitamin D.

Get Involved

One of the best things about being a vegan is becoming a member of a vast community. The internet has made it possible for vegans all over the world to connect, share their experiences and advice, and find all the information they need.

Whether you want to search for recipes, determine what nutrients are essential for your health and which are better supplemented, talk about your ups and downs, or just chat with like-minded people, the internet is the place to go. From Facebook groups to blogs and websites of various associations, there are plenty of resources available for you! It’s also worth checking if there is a similar group in your area.

Experiment With Vegan Recipes

While experimenting with simple dishes is a good way to introduce yourself to the new world of veganism, it might not be enough in the long run. To ensure that you stay healthy, your body is nourished, and your palate is satisfied, you might want to learn some more elaborate recipes that involve lots of different ingredients.

Try replacing eggs in your favorite baked goods recipe with flax or chia seeds or looking up a few vegan recipes online to get ideas. People think that only tofu can be used as a substitute for meat, when in fact, it might also be replaced with other goods, like seitan or jackfruit, which is even better when it comes to imitating the texture of real meat.

Be Ready for Questions

If people around you aren’t used to seeing anyone giving up meat and dairy products, going vegan might make them start asking questions. Depending on where you live or work, these questions might range from curious inquiries to nasty criticism from people who don’t understand why you would give up such “delicious food” for such a “quirky lifestyle choice.”

It might be hard at times to stay strong and answer all the questions politely but remember that there’s no point in getting upset over something that doesn’t really matter in the bigger picture! Just smile and explain why you decided to go vegan, and that should be enough for anyone who wants to know about your choices.

Keep Learning

A big part of being vegan is learning about different products, various ways to cook them as well as about veganism as a lifestyle, the benefits of the diet on the environment and your body. So allow yourself to be curious as it will help you get even more excited about what you’re trying to achieve.

To learn even more, consider reading some vegan literature, such as Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It’s So Hard to Think Straight About Animals by Hal Herzog, Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foe, or My Year of Meats by Ruth L. Ozeki. These are just some of the powerful and praised books that talk about animal agribusiness and the modern world’s ethics in the most mesmerizing way.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, when becoming a vegan, there’s always something new to learn, and that’s why it’s good to ask your fellow vegan friends questions and learn from them. This way, you’ll get more information about the lifestyle and make sure that you don’t miss out on any vital aspects of the diet. We hope that these tips will help you start your adventure with a vegan diet and encourage you to keep going!