How to Reduce Carbon Footprint as a Small Business

If the prospect of climate change scares you, you’re not alone.
We live a lot more in the moment now.

A day is a big deal, not a routine occurrence like it once was. You’ve already got a carbon footprint reduction strategy in your home, but what about your small business?

It affects employees, of course. And if you’re like most bosses, you take great pride in the culture you’ve created for your company. With more and more companies being remote, a company’s work culture becomes even more important than ever before.

Read on to learn how to reduce carbon footprint for businesses and your employees today.

Conduct an Energy Audit

An energy audit will help you identify potential areas of energy waste which can reduce. This includes:

  • Examining appliances for energy efficiency
  • Adjusting lighting
  • Setting timers for equipment and HVAC
  • Installing hybrid vehicles
  • Insulating buildings
  • Setting up renewable energy options

As you address areas of energy waste and make changes, check your energy use, set clear energy reduction goals, and track energy use over time.

Switch to Renewable Energy

As a small business, switching to renewable energy is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Wind, solar, and geothermal energy are cost-effective alternatives to traditional sources of energy.

Making the switch offers several environmental and financial benefits. It reduces carbon emissions, helps protect natural resources, and reduces energy costs.

Investing in renewable energy systems such as solar panels or wind turbines may need an upfront cost. In the long run, it allows you to save costs on your energy bills and reduce your impact on the environment.

Additionally, businesses can reduce electricity consumption, use energy-efficient appliances and electronics, and recycle. Switching to renewable energy is an important step in helping the environment and can help small businesses reduce their carbon footprint. Visit now to start your journey of reducing your carbon footprint.

Use Energy-Efficient Equipment and Appliances

For starters, it’s worth investing in LED lightbulbs for office space. LED bulbs use around 75% less energy than traditional incandescents and have a much longer lifespan. Business owners should also try to make use of natural lighting when possible.

Installing smart thermostats can help adjust the temperature in the space to reduce wasted energy. Equipment such as computers, printers, and copiers should also be switched over to more efficient models. Newer models are more efficient and can help save money in the long run.

Seek out ENERGY STAR appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines. These steps can help small business owners reduce their energy costs, save energy, and reduce their carbon footprints.

Reduce Paper Usage

As a small business looking to reduce its carbon footprint, reducing paper usage is a great place to start. Start by evaluating the ways paper is being used in the workplace, from day-to-day operations. From there, look for opportunities to reduce paper consumption.

You can also switch to paper and recycled printing products. Consider reducing paper waste by avoiding excess printing and scans. Make it a priority to switch to digital wherever possible, from filing and storage to printing, copying, and filing. Incorporate digital signatures, digital contracts, and e-invoices.

Invest in scanners and other technologies that can help reduce the need to use paper. Moreover, promote paperless campaigns to staff and customers alike to help reduce paper usage. Finally, look for opportunities to recycle and compost wherever possible.

Use Eco-Friendly Business Products and Packaging

One way to ensure your company is reducing its carbon footprint is through the use of products and packaging. Consider using recyclable, biodegradable, reusable, and recycled packaging and stamps. Additionally, replacing plastic shopping bags with reusable and biodegradable paper bags.

Products with minimal energy consumption and fewer natural resources in their production. Furthermore, be mindful of the packaging used for your products. Avoid single-use plastics and packaging materials with a high environmental impact.

Sustainable Transportation Practices

The quickest and most effective way to do this is to reduce the use of cars. Start by having employees use public transportation, carpool or use bicycles to get to work. Provide employees with transportation subsidies, and if it’s workable, let them work when possible.
Use mass transit instead of rented or owned vehicles, and whenever possible, use zero-emissions vehicles such as:

  • Electric cars
  • Electric buses/trucks
  • Electric scooters

When traveling for business, use trains, buses, or planes that offer carbon offsets for their services. Even small businesses can make a big difference in helping to reduce the carbon footprint of their city.

Adopt Green Cleaning Practices

As a small business, adopting green cleaning practices is an important way to reduce one’s carbon footprint. Use biodegradable soaps, detergents, and all-purpose cleaners with natural ingredients. Consider natural and reusable products such as:

  • Microfiber towels
  • Compostable sponges
  • Non-toxic dusters

Appropriate disposal of hazardous materials is also essential. Small businesses install water-efficient fixtures, such as:

  • Low-flow toilets
  • Motion sensors on faucets
  • A sink that turns off

Doing this helps reduce water consumption and minimizes the environmental impact.

Reduce Water Usage

To reduce our water usage, start by installing low-flow toilets, showerheads, and faucets. Replace conventional appliances with water-efficient models which use less water per flush or cycle.

Encourage staff to reduce the amount of water they use when hand-washing dishes and doing laundry. Invest in water-saving technology such as:

  • Drought-resistant landscaping
  • Rainwater harvesting systems

This can make a positive impact on our carbon footprint and help reduce the environmental impacts of our business activities.

Sustainable Waste Management

The first step is to reduce the amount of waste produced in the workplace. To reduce the amount of single-use items they bring to work and opt for reusable items instead. Ensure that all waste is sorted into:

  • Glass, paper
  • Cardboard
  • Plastic
  • Organic materials bins

Look for ones that are recyclable, as they will reduce waste and conserve resources. Encourage workers to reuse bulk items like envelopes, boxes, and bags.

Importance of Taking Action On How To Reduce Carbon Footprint

Small businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and benefit the environment by reducing waste and relying more on renewable resources. Various strategies are available, including recycling, energy efficiency, and responsible production. Take the first step, and start exploring how to reduce carbon footprint today!

For more helpful hints on a wide range of topics, check out the rest of our blog.