Is It Healthy To Drink Wine Every Day?

Wine, especially the red type, has long been thought of as beneficial for your cardiovascular system. That’s because it contains antioxidants which help reduce the risk of a heart attack by preventing coronary artery problems. This is only one of many stated benefits of drinking wine.

Many wine lovers, especially from those parts of the world where winemaking is almost considered an art, claim that it’s beneficial to drink just a little bit of it every day, usually with dinner. If you would like to learn more about wine, click here to find wine workshops in your area.

However, there are still a lot of health specialists who are against it and advise avoiding alcohol entirely.

So, what is the truth?

Below, you will find all the basics about the effects of wine on your health, along with the arguments for and against drinking wine on a daily basis. Read on to enjoy your favorite drink and stay healthy!

Advantages of Wine

Red wine is good for your heart

Red wine is the most beneficial of all wines. It contains resveratrol, a substance which can help lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease by improving the flow of blood to the heart. Studies have shown that drinking red wine on a daily basis can reduce the risk of stroke and heart failure, while increasing good cholesterol and blood flow. However, everyday consumption doesn’t necessarily provide you with these benefits, while large amounts of alcohol do pose some health risks.

Wine contains antioxidants

Just like some other foods or supplements, wine contains antioxidants that can block free radicals from damaging your cells and DNA. They also slow down the aging process and reduce the risk of cancer (especially colon cancer). This is especially true of red wine, which has larger amounts of antioxidants than any other type of wine.

Wine can fight inflammation

Many people think that wine is unhealthy because it increases the risk of arthritis and gout. However, research has shown that consuming one glass a day has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. The same effect can be achieved by consuming grapes or grape seeds or drinking grape juice (without additives).

Disadvantages of Wine

Red wine can cause liver damage

The higher the amount of alcohol you consume, the higher the risk of liver damage. For example, someone who consumes 5 to 10 grams of alcohol per day (which is equivalent to 1 glass of red wine) has 16% higher risk of developing liver cirrhosis than those who don’t consume any alcohol at all; this percentage doubles if someone drinks 12 to 20 grams per day (equivalent to 2 glasses of red wine).

The same goes for other types of alcoholic beverages – the more you drink, the higher the risk of developing liver damage or other related diseases such as hepatitis C. The best way to protect yourself against liver damage caused by alcohol consumption is to avoid drinking any type of alcohol regularly and avoiding binge drinking altogether.

Wine can lead to addiction and withdrawal symptoms

Red wine contains N-methylphenylethylamine, which raises your mood and makes you feel happy – but only for a short period of time. This is why many people feel addicted to red wine – they want to feel ‘happy’ all time long. Red wine also contains tannins which give you that bitter taste in your mouth – an effect that makes you need another glass even more often.

If you regularly consume large amounts of alcohol, then your body gets used to it – that’s why you feel tired after drinking just one glass of wine if you haven’t consumed alcohol for a couple months or more. But this doesn’t mean that you need to give up drinking completely – instead, try to drink less or switch to other types of alcoholic beverages or eat different foods if you feel tired after having just one glass. This way you won’t develop any dependence on alcohol and will still enjoy its positive effects without worrying about over-drinking or getting addicted to it!

Wine causes dehydration

It’s true that wine contains some water – about 85 percent – but it also contains alcohol – about 10 percent or more – which makes up for most of its calories anyway! Alcohol is a diuretic, so it dehydrates your body instead of hydrating it. To make sure you don’t suffer from unpleasant side effects such as dizziness or headaches after drinking wine on a daily basis, make sure you drink plenty of water before and after each drinking session and limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages on a daily basis!

Wine reduces your ability to concentrate

Alcohol makes you feel tired and sleepy, and this is because it slows down your brain activity. It also affects the central nervous system which regulates your behavior and movement. The result is that you will find it harder to concentrate and process information – such as how to drive a car safely! If you drink alcohol regularly, then it can lead to memory loss and poor cognitive processes.


You should definitely not consume large amounts of wine every day – and the same goes for all other types of alcohol. But if you drink alcohol in moderation, you shouldn’t worry about your health – there are plenty of benefits to be had from enjoying a glass of wine or two with your dinner from time to time. Stay reasonable and all will be fine!