Discover The Different Types of Flies And The Threat They Present

Flies occur across the globe. There are actually more than 120,000 types of flies as they adapt to help them survive in a variety of different climates. This evolution is assisted by the fact that a fly has a very short lifespan. Unfortunately, they reproduce quickly and produce many flies every time, ensuring the survival of their species.

You are probably already aware that flies carry a variety of diseases. This, and the fact they are a nuisance, is a good enough reason to want to eliminate them from your home. You can try this yourself or you can learn more here about your local professionals who will be happy to help you.

It should be noted that this is the biggest threat they present, the spread of disease. Some of the diseases they carry are relatively harmless, others can kill.

It’s impossible to list all of the 120,000 types of flies. But, you should be aware of the most common ones you are likely to meet.

The House Fly

This is potentially the most common fly and it adheres to your image of a fly. Houser flies are generally between an eighth and a quarter inches long. They have some hair on their bodies, wings, and red eyes, although you’ll have to get close to see these!

In fact, house flies have compound eyes that allow them a greater field of vision. They don’t have teeth but do spit up an acid that allows food to dissolve before they suck it up.

If you have them in your home then you have exposed waste, such as decaying food or pet waste.

The Fruit Fly

This is the next most common fly you’ll find in your home. These are attracted to decaying fruit and fermenting liquids such as beer or wine. They have a sweet tooth! They are roughly the same size as house flies but lighter in color with black and gray abdomens.

These are a particular nuisance in that they land on food and infect it with whatever they are carrying. You should find out more about your local pest control experts.

Horse Flies

The horse fly is larger than the fruit or house fly. It is approximately three times the size of a standard fly and usually black in color. Their wings can be partially or completely dark. These flies are generally attracted to light and movement, hence you may see a collection of them at your window.

Interestingly, these flies are not known to carry disease. However, the female horse fly feeds on blood and is aggressive. The bites are larger as they tear the skin to lap at your blood, causing more damage. Their saliva will often trigger a reaction in your body making the area exceptionally itchy.

There are plenty of other flies but these are the three that you are most likely to see in your yard and home. It is important to be aware of them and take steps to eradicate them before they become an infestation.